Monday, November 7, 2016

Happiness - The Treadmill of Life

You may see people who live in a big house as a sign of happiness. But does the living hall filled with laughter among the family members?

You may be envy to know that your friend has a very good looking boyfriend. But how sure are you that very good looking boyfriend is treating you friend good?

You may be jealous that your friend is driving a nice car. But can you see the amount of burden of your friend to repay the car loan?

I believe many of us define happiness as how many physical assets that we can own. That is why we work so hard to strive those physical assets that we dream of. By God's grace, even we achieve to obtain physical materials eventually, sadly, those physical materials won't be able to talk to you. They will remain as physical materials even when you are sad and even when you need a nice warm hug.

That's why I don't limit my happiness in the perimeter of physical assets. It's beyond that. It's the quality time you spend with your family members at the dining table. It's the moment you hold your lover's hand. 

Sometimes we see the world as a very sad place. It seems that the world has lost its humanity. There's no love. There's no happiness. It seems happiness has left us.

When the world and the people has turned its back on you, hopelessness and sadness ensue. Happiness is out of reach. 

Try to brighten up my child. Happiness is inside all of us. Sometimes, you need someone to help you to find it. I hope I have found that very person...

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